Work packages
To mitigate the impact of irrigation on fresh-water resources and their associated ecosystems, SPATIAL VINE seeks to optimize water consumption through fine-tuning deficit irrigation strategies and fertilization N regime. Under semi-environmental conditions, potted soil plants (Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache grapevine genotypes grafted on SO4 rootstock) will be grown at different edaphic conditions, water deficit and low N availability. The SPATIAL VINE project aspires to decipher and spatially localize the molecular mechanisms activated by roots to promote water and N acquisition at veraison phenological stage. SPATIAL VINE is expected to identify key molecular components for water and N acquisition that will be used to devise more sustainable vine fertilization strategies to enhance water and N acquisition and will thus achieve a more rational use of water and N fertilizers.
The SPATIAL VINE project will develop around 5 scientific WPs to deeply decipher the root molecular response to water and N limitation.
WP 1 - Project management and coordination
WP 2 - Experimental set-up and phenotyping analyses
WP 3 - Spatial resolution of the molecular responses activated by water deficit and N availability
WP 4 - Data analyses and integration